Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Spending A Day In Gloomy Guadalest

Guadalest. A hidden gem tucked away in the mountains of Sierra Xorta and Sierra Serrella. On this trip we filmed the Orduña House (museum), the lake and walked around the old town of Guadalest. We visited some shops and enjoyed the stunning views Guadalest has to offer. The castle area is undergoing maintenance right now, so we weren't able to get very close. We also took a closer look at the dam and saw how low the water level was (which was unsettling). On the way back (towards Callosa d'en Sarria), we stopped by a little farmer's market that sells local products. Think of local wines, chocolates, candy, fuets, and so much more to enjoy! Although the home made wine we got was horrendous, the experience itself was well worth it.

Below are some more images of this spectacular gloomy day:

Overlooking the mountains from the dam

Walking up to the castle of Guadalest

As you can see, the castle part is undergoing maintenance

Join us on this magical day, and watch our walking tour video on YouTube!

Enjoy, and as always: Don't forget to like, subscribe and hit the bell!


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